Friday 18 January 2019


Assalamualikum..  Ada ke yang sudi baca blog ku ini.? ngee~

Setelah sekian lama berendam air mata, (cewah) menyiapkan correction final thesis, harini nak juga luahkan disini. Sebab tak tahan lagi. Ya Ampun, susah sangat nak meet examiner's satisfaction. Ada je yang salah. And she is really strict  and make my situation more complicated. Arggh, i wanna grad! I understand her intention to produce like quality and significant study. Tapi......I cant bear it anymore. In fact, i couldnt answer her questions in thesis. Its didnt cross my mind. At this moment, one and only i can do is DOA. Allah please make it easy for me. Lembutkan hati examiner ku agar menerima dan melepaskan thesis ku. Tutuplah aibku dan kesalahan ku. Aku ni hamba yang kerdil.

For me, make correction for final thesis much more harder compared to viva voce. Yes, viva is scary moment bila kita ambik master/phd. At least, it just stay for like several hours and then over.! Correction? it will took weeks to settle it down until no more question by examiner. This is my condition, it could be different to others experiences. 

Tinggal setapak lagi. Please stay strong. Lepas ni, u will graduate. Sikit lagi. For the seek of your baby, papa mama, husband and family please make it finish. 

Believe me, in doing research, hanya yang kuat sahaja akan survive.